The Nazarite


The Teacher That Refused To Be Taught!



     Fannin TigerOn 12-20-14 I told my brother in Christ that I scrubbed my ears with the washrag in the shower and that my left ear started bleeding real bad. The area of the ear where it was bleeding was where the earring used to be. I went on to tell my brother in Christ the earring story. I used to wear an earring in my left ear in elementary school. I went to "Fannin Elementary School" ( I was in the 5th grade (5E). Ms. Ratcliff was my teacher. The earring messed my ear up because my ears are sensitive to metal.

     The earring irritated my ear when I wore it at Fannin. Sometimes to this day my left ear hurts and bleeds where the hole used to be. Isn’t that amazing! I can squeeze the area of my ear where the hole used to be and sometimes it hurts and it was the same way when I was a kid. I also pushed the back of the earring to tight on the back of my ear and the skin grew over the back of the earring. My step dad Phill had to use a knife to cut the skin off the back of my ear and use needle nose pliers to pull the back of the earring off my ear along with the flesh that came off with it.

     My mom influenced me and wanted me to get the earring in my ear. God told me that it was my mother’s idea to get an earring put in my ear. It was a stud earring. One of my mom’s friends came over to our house with an earring gun and said, “We have to put the earring in his left ear because the right ear means he is gay.” I sat down in a chair and the guy shot me in the left ear, and instantly it was done. I had a stud earring in my ear.

     I then went to school with the earring in my ear. My teacher Ms. Ratcliff did not like the earring and was amazed that I had an earring in my ear. I told her that my mom let me wear an earring. She told me I had to go to the principal’s office so I did. In the area next to the principal’s office I saw the principal and he said that I could not wear the earring at school. I told the principal that my mom let me wear the earring and he said that I had to call my mom. I called my mom and told her that the principal does not want me at school with an earring in my ear.

     My mother then showed up and said, “Wait right here honey, I am going to go talk to the principal.” When my mother said those words I could see the determination on her face to win this battle against the principal. Whatever my mom said to the principal had to have been strong witchcraft words. Later, My mother came out of the principal’s office and said, “Okay honey, go back to class.” The principal just looked at me and smiled and did not say one word to me. I went back to class and continued on. Every time thereafter that I saw the principal he would just wave and smile. Ms. Ratcliff would at times tell me, “Why the earring Chris?” However, I can’t remember what I said back to her. Ms. Ratcliff was standing up for what was right. She did not like the earring. And rightfully so, I should have never got that nasty earring put in my ear.

     For a man or a young man to wear an earring in his ear is not good. There is a gay, homosexual, effeminate spirit attached to a man wearing an earring. The Lord said it was my mother’s idea for me to get an earring put in my ear. My mother indoctrinated me into Satanism at a young age. My mother paved the way for me to become a homosexual by influencing me to get an earring in my ear. The power of Satan was flowing through my mother and me.

     My mother made me a bond-servant slave to Satan at a young age. I was a demonic influence to all the kids at school. I was the first pioneering male student to wear an earring to "Fannin Elementary School." The satanic spirit that was flowing through me was contaminating all the kids that came in contact with me. The students would then go home to their parents and that satanic spirit would contaminate the parents. It was a huge spiritual airborne virus with the spirit of homosexuality. Talk about dropping a bomb! God told me, “You have no idea just how satanic you were.”

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, (1 Corinthians 6:9 KJV)

     My brother in Christ told me that I was a source that Satan used to corrupt schools. I was used by Satan to bring in evil to the schools. Long ago it was unheard of for a young man in school to wear an earring but I broke the mold. My mother and I through the power of Satan started a trend and now it’s allowed in school. Satan has used various sources to bring in evil and my mother and I were some of his sources.

     After telling my brother in Christ about the earring story, God told my brother in Christ to tell me to get in touch with Ms. Ratcliff. After I sought the Lord and knew that it was the Father’s will that I get in touch with Ms. Ratcliff, I called "Fannin Elementary School" for Ms. Ratcliff’s contact information. Much later Ms. Cordova called me. Ms. Cordova was in the portable outside Ms. Ratcliff’s class back when Ms. Ratcliff used to teach. Ms. Cordova said she got Ms. Ratcliff’s number and asked Ms. Ratcliff if I could call her. Ms. Ratcliff told Ms. Cordova I could call her so Ms. Cordova gave me Ms. Ratcliff’s number.

     On 1-18-15 at 7:30 pm I called Ms. Ratcliff. God told me to call at that exact time so I did. I told Ms. Ratcliff the earring story and how the power of Satan was flowing through my mother and me as I went to school with the earring in my ear. Ms. Ratcliff said she hated the earring that I used to wear. I told her, “There is a effeminate, homosexual spirit attached to a man if he wears an earring in his ear.” Ms. Ratcliff agreed and said, “That’s what I thought when I saw that earring in your ear.” I then told her I got into Satanism, homosexuality and drugs and how I got delivered from then.

     I told Ms. Ratcliff I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. I went on to tell her the story of how it all came about. I was looking through some music folders on my computer and I could feel the Holy Spirit tugging on my heart. I kept pushing Him away lightly and I stood up. Then all of a sudden I felt a hand touch my right shoulder and when that happened I felt a flood rush of peace, joy and love and all I could do was cry. It was so beautiful and all you can do at that moment is just cry. I knew in my heart and mind that it was Jesus Christ. Talk about a supernatural encounter with the Creator of the universe! I was totally amazed at what had happened. That was the breaking point where I said enough is enough and sometime after that I dedicated my life to Jesus Christ.

     Ms. Ratcliff said it was a beautiful testimony and as she heard it all she could think was for me to put my testimony in the "Guideposts" magazine. Ms. Ratcliff said she could show me how to put my testimony in the "Guideposts" magazine. She also said she could get me a subscription to the "Guideposts" magazine so that I would have something to read. I then told Ms. Ratcliff that I had to ask God if He wanted me to put my testimony in the "Guideposts" magazine.

     Then all of a sudden! Ms. Ratcliff took control and started praying something to the effect of, “Father, Chris has taken this question to you and that is what he is supposed to do. Do you want Chris to put his testimony in the Guideposts magazine?” (I am just paraphrasing what was said in the prayer, not exact words). While Ms. Ratcliff was praying I was asking God if he wanted me to put my testimony in the "Guideposts" magazine? At first I heard, “No”. Then, I heard, “Yes”. However, I felt something strange about the “Guideposts” magazine. As Ms. Ratcliff continued to pray I felt her prayer as a weird prayer. After Ms Ratcliff’s prayer was over we continued to talk.

     I told her about the Church I attended which was Sun City Christian Center and how Jesus led me out of there. (For more information on this subject please check out "Sun City Christian Center Exposed!" at Then Ms. Ratcliff started talking about abortions and I told her how Israel offered up hundreds of kids to “Moloch” and how America has offered up thousands. I told Ms. Ratcliff that abortions are a blood sacrifice to Satan.

And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. (Leviticus 18:21 KJV)

Moloch: The God With An Appetite For Children

Among all the paganism of the ancient world, and the gods and goddesses people worshiped, there may be none more complex in nature, terrible in homage and mysterious in identity then [sic] the name, Moloch… The name, Moloch, is a Semitic term that derives its root meaning from the word, ‘king.’ As a god, Moloch was part of cult worship which revolved around a kind of propitiatory child sacrifice system where the children were offered by the parents themselves in a honour ceremony to the god. This kind of sacrifice was void of any edged knives or weapons, but instead gave homage to fire which was connected with Moloch. Thus, for what we know about this cult, the children (male and female - 2nd Kings 23:10) were offered to Moloch by being consumed by fire… In reference to the mention of children being sacrificed to Moloch as seen in the Bible, this term “children” is translated as “offspring” or “seed” and demonstrates a literal action displaying the seed, as the continuation of a family, being willingly offered to Moloch into the flames. []

     The image of Moloch was that of a bull's head with a human body whose outstretched arms were prepared to receive the children destined to be a flaming sacrifice. The image of metal was heated red hot by a fire kindled within, and the children placed on Moloch’s arms would roll off into the fiery pit below. Flutes were played, and drums were beaten, in order to drown out the cries of the victims as mothers stood by without tears or sobs to give the impression of the voluntary character of the offering. And it made the Lord God Almighty very, very angry!

For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it. And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart. Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter: for they shall bury in Tophet, till there be no place. And the carcases of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth; and none shall fray them away. (Jeremiah 7:30-33 KJV)

     Can you believe mothers and fathers would actually throw their God-given children in the fire so that they could gain favor and power from a satanic god that takes them strait to the pits of hell? That is what America is doing with their present-day Moloch (abortions). America is offering children to Satan through abortions as a blood sacrifice and also to keep the population in control. So, there is a brief description of who Moloch was and the present-day Moloch (abortions) and now we can move on.

     We will now continue on with the 1st conversation with Ms. Ratcliff. She said that we should always pray for the whole world so that people can get saved. I told Ms. Ratcliff that you have to be careful praying for the whole world because there are certain people God does not want you to pray for.

     Before my brother in Christ and I pray for anyone we seek God first to see if God wants us to pray for that person. There are certain people that God does not want you to pray for. If God does not want you to pray for a person and you go ahead and do it anyway then Satan will receive that prayer. You will be praying to Satan for that person instead of praying to God. That is called “praying against” someone. You think you are helping that person when in actuality you are doing them harm.

Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee. (Jeremiah 7:16 KJV)

     Example: God told me to do some intercessory prayer for some people a while back. Day by day I kept hearing to add more people to the prayer list so I did. I got to where it was over a hundred people. I thought I was doing well until one day God told me that He was upset with me about praying for people without seeking Him. I called my brother in Christ and told him what God had said to me. After praying with my brother in Christ I told him that I added more people to the prayer list. My brother in Christ asked me if I sought God on each and every person to see if those people could receive prayer or not. I said, “No”.

     Then my brother in Christ and I prayed through some of the list of people and sought God to see if He wanted me to intercede for them. There were many people on the list that God did not want me to pray for. I opened a communication line with Satan as I prayed for the people that God did not want me to pray for. That is why God was upset with me. I did not seek God properly on each person I prayed for. I started worshipping Satan through praying for people God did not want me to pray for. That made God mad at me because I was not seeking Him properly. Satan is always waiting to take control so you have to make sure God wants you to pray for the person you are praying for. As stated in this message, if you pray for someone God does not want you to pray for Satan will become your god at that moment and you will be worshipping him.

     As you walk in the Spirit you learn to seek God in everything you do.

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16 KJV)

     Walking in the Spirit is simply hearing God and obeying God. It is about hearing the voice of truth (Jesus Christ) and obeying what he tells you to do. This is supposed to be done every second of every day until the rapture happens. If He’s not Lord of all then He’s not Lord at all. You cannot call Jesus Lord if you still have control of your life.

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:48 KJV)

     Jesus calls us perfect if we give him perfect obedience. We are called to be perfect and we do this by walking in the Spirit and obeying everything Jesus commands us to do.

     Continuing on with the 1st conversation, I told Ms. Ratcliff about John 6:63 but not about the rhema-commanding word. So I will now speak on both.

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (John 6:63 KJV)

     The bold and underlined word that says words is a rhema word. Rhema is a Greek word. In the Strong's Hebrew And Greek Dictionary it is G4487 and here is what the definition has to say:

Words (G4487) [hray'-mah] - From G4483; an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically); by implication a matter or topic (especially of narration, command; or dispute); with a negative naught whatever: - + evil, + nothing, saying, word. (Strong's Hebrew And Greek Dictionary)

Word (G4487) [rhema] – from reo, to speak. A word spoken or uttered; a speech or sentence consisting of several words; a word, command; denoting the operative or all powerful word or command of God; a report, account. Rhema stands for the subject matter of the word, the thing which is spoken about. (The Complete New Testament Word Study with Greek Paralell).

     The rhema word is an instruction or all-powerful command of God. This rhema instruction word brings life to us if we obey it because it is a direct order or instruction on what to do proceeding out of the mouth of Almighty God. The rhema commanding word transforms darkness (sin) to light (Holy Spirit) inside the human body as we hear God and obey God. So, as we walk in the Spirit and obey every rhema-commanding word that Jesus speaks to us our human body gets regenerated from darkness (sin) to light (Holy Spirit). (For more information on the rhema-commanding word please check out "Re-gened In Jesus Christ!" at

     Continuing on I told Ms. Ratcliff that in John 6:63 the word quikeneth means brings life. It is the spirit that brings life and the words Jesus speaks to you, they are spirit, and they are life. I told Ms. Ratcliff as you walk in the Spirit and hear God and obey God the Holy Spirit becomes a part of you. As you obey the words, commands, and instructions of Jesus Christ you get his life because His word is life as stated in John 6:63. We get darkness (sin) changed to light (Holy Spirit) inside our human body as we hear God and obey God. Where sin (darkness) resides in the human body is where the transformation of darkness (sin) to light (Holy Spirit) happens. Only Jesus knows where the sin resides at in the human body. If you are praying for people that God does not want you praying for then you are not seeking after His truth and you won’t get His regeneration light. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. (John 16:13 KJV)

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32 KJV)

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6 KJV)

     If you pray for people without seeking God first, then you have a chance of receiving death instead of life (truth). Ms. Ratcliff did not seem to agree with me about seeking God before praying for a person or people. Ms. Ratcliff told me, “If that was the case nobody would have ever prayed for you. I would like to talk more about that with you at another time.” Then Ms. Ratcliff changed the subject and we moved on. Towards the end of the conversation Ms. Ratcliff said, “Satan wants you bad…” and some other stuff was said that I can’t remember and that was the end of the conversation. The truth is Satan wants Ms. Ratcliff’s soul just as bad as he wants mine. I asked Ms. Ratcliff if we could end the conversation in prayer. And then all of a sudden! Ms. Ratcliff took control and said, “Father, protect Chris!” I felt a very strange spirit from her when she said that.

     After some days had passed God told me to call Ms. Ratcliff again just to ask her for her address so I could send her the sermonet entitled "Guideposts Magazine: Directing Christians Down The Dark Road To Hell!" at As the Lord would have it He said to also send Ms. Ratcliff "The Unwelcome Guest" ( Chick tract.

     So, on the 2nd conversation Ms. Ratcliff was not feeling that good and I asked Ms. Ratcliff what she thought about the "Guideposts"magazine sermonet? Ms. Ratcliff said that the sermonet and tract were, “Most disturbing.” and that the "Guideposts" magazine helped her sleep and that she wanted to talk to the editor of "Guideposts" magazine in order to get his side of the story. I told Ms. Ratcliff that Rachael Ray is a beautiful woman with the spirit of lust that can drive a man into sin. I told Ms. Ratcliff that the spirit of lust is in that magazine because Rachael Ray has the spirit of lust. I told Ms. Ratcliff that there is no disputing the fact that the spirit of lust is in that edition of the "Guideposts" magazine.

     Furthermore I said, the founder of "Guideposts" magazine is a Freemason. So, not just the Rachael Ray "Guideposts" edition is contaminated with the spirit of lust but all "Guideposts" magazines are contaminated with a satanic Masonic spirit of Masonry because that is the spirit in the founder of "Guideposts" magazine.

     Ms. Ratcliff said her father was a Shriner Freemason and that she knew that he was in heaven. She said she did not like nor receive "The Unwelcome Guest" Chick tract as being true. I told her that "The Unwelcome Guest" Chick tract was pure and 100% true but she did not believe what I said. I told Ms. Ratcliff that you can’t have Jesus and Masonry at the same time. You can’t be a Christian and Mason. You are either 100% blood bought or you’re Not! You’re a follower of Jesus Christ or you’re Not! I told Ms. Ratcliff that she was deceived and wrong in thinking that a Mason can make it to heaven just because he believes in God. Ms. Ratcliff said that she could no longer talk because she was not feeling good so we ended the conversation.

     The Lord Jesus told me to write a letter to Ms. Ratcliff saying what needed to be said. Here is the letter:


Dear Ms. Ratcliff,

     On January 17, 2015 I told my brother in Christ about the earring story and how you were involved in telling me the earring was no good. You stood up for what was right and was against the earring. Then everything turned to you and God said to get your contact information from Fannin Elementary. God said to call you and I did. On our first conversation you talked about the Guideposts and I found out that the Guideposts magazines have a satanic spirit attached to them. God Almighty told me that the Guideposts magazines are no good. Do you think I knew ahead of time that you read the Guideposts magazines? I didn’t know but God did. Do you think it was a coincidence that my brother in Christ already knew about the Guideposts magazine and wrote a sermonet on it before I even talked to you? This was no coincidence; this is all a God thing. I was just led by the Holy Spirit and He said to talk to you. Do you think it is okay for a woman that is a sex symbol to be in a so-called Christian magazine? The spirit in Rachael Ray is a lustful enticing spirit that pulls on men to lust after her. That lustful spirit is in that magazine. Also, the founder of the Guideposts magazine is a Mason. Masons have a satanic spirit attached to them because their God is Lucifer the baphomet. That satanic spirit is in the Guideposts magazines because that’s the spirit in the founder. Ask God Almighty about the Guideposts magazine. God Almighty hates the Guideposts magazines.

     Jesus led me to you because there is issues in your life that need to be fixed so that you can make it into heaven. Right now, you think you are saved but Jesus has told me you’re not. Deception is a deadly thing, you are deceived and if you stay in the state you are in and die you will not make it to heaven. I love you with the love of Jesus and love you enough to tell you the truth. I don’t play games; I speak what God gives me to speak. There are things that the Lord has been telling me about you. Here they are:

Throw out your Guideposts and stop subscribing

Throw out your TV

God does not want you watching TV. The TV is an idol and a god.

Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 19:4 KJV)

     The Lord does not want your son living with you anymore. The Lord wants your son James to get his own place so that you can get alone with God. The Lord wants you to seek Him and walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is simply hearing God and obeying God. Bruce and myself can help you with that.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Romans 8:1-4 KJV)

     Jesus wants you to seek Him and ask Him every time you pray for someone. God does not want you praying for everyone without you asking Him if that person still has a chance and if that person can receive prayer. Some people God does not want you to pray for and it’s all up to Him for the reason why.

Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee. (Jeremiah 7:16 KJV)

Then said the LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good. (Jeremiah 14:11 KJV)

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12 KJV)

     And concerning your dad, you said he believed in God even though he was a mason. Even demons believe in God and they tremble at His name.

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. (James 2:19 KJV)

     Believing has no power unless you Do what God has told you to do. If you are a mason and also claim to be a Christian, you have a big problem. You cannot be a mason and a Christian at the same time. You cannot have a relationship with Christ and hear God and obey God if you are a mason. God is a jealous God.

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (Exodus 20:5 KJV)

For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: (Exodus 34:14 KJV)

     The LORD thy God’s name is jealous, call Him jealous.

(For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth. (Deuteronomy 6:15 KJV)

     If God is a jealous God with Godly jealousy, why in the world would God Almighty let a mason also get salvation in Jesus Christ? No way! You are 100% blood bought or you’re not. God will Not share you with anyone else. If you are a mason and say you have salvation with Jesus Christ, you are a deceived individual. There is no in-between, you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour or you don’t. You can’t have what you want and have Jesus too. God told my brother in Christ and me that your dad did not make it to heaven. He went to Hell. Sorry to tell you that, but it is the truth. The Unwelcome Guest tract speaks the uncompromising truth with all the facts and what books the information came from. It is dangerous to reject that tract as being false because you are denying the truth. It shows the temple room, the baphomet picture, the baphomet symbol and all the other information. If you don’t receive The Unwelcome Guest tract there is basically no hope for you because you are denying the truth.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 KJV)

     How do you think my brother in Christ knew to send you that tract? Do you think we could predict that your dad was a mason? Absolutely not. Jesus told him to send it along with the sermonet. Jesus is trying to show you the truth about Masonry.

     The Lord wants me to speak to you about Bruce and tell you what he is going through. My brother in Christ who wrote the article you read has skin cancer on his face and it is spreading. It started out as a little wound above his left eye and has spread rapidly and he no longer has the function and vision of his left eye. God told Bruce many years ago when the skin cancer first appeared on his face that He would heal him. Jesus said that He would heal Bruce’s face with new skin and new eyes. However, Bruce has to suffer in obedience to the Father with much pain, suffering and patience until that great day happens.

     Also, I almost tore off my right arm in gymnastics in 1995 [should have been 1993] and had to get metal plates put into my arm. The doctor told me in 15 years to get the metal plates removed because they could rust and I could get gangrene and loose my arm. Jesus told me when I first started walking in the Spirit to leave the metal plates in my arm because He was going to give me a brand new right arm at His divine time. I have to suffer in obedience to the Father until Jesus heals my arm.

     God told me He wants to do a miracle on you. God wants to heal the cancer in your hand. God does not want you going to the doctor, He wants you to trust in Him just like Bruce and myself are doing and if you are obedient to God He will supernaturally heal you but in the meantime you will have to suffer in obedience to Jesus Christ. You must submit your life to God and give Him total and complete control. You have to do what has been said in this letter. You have to throw out your TV, tell your son to get his own place, and stop subscribing and reading Guideposts and seek God on everything you do. Whatever else God tells you to do you must do. You will have to suffer in obedience to the Father by waiting for God to heal you at His divine time.

     We are to suffer in obedience to the Father. Jesus walked in the Spirit first and He suffered in obedience to the Father first, and now we can walk in the Spirit and suffer in obedience to the Father who is in heaven.

Though he [Jesus] were a Son, yet learned he [Jesus] obedience by the things which he [Jesus] suffered; And being made perfect, he [Jesus] became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; (Hebrews 5:8-9 KJV)

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: (1 Peter 2:21 KJV)

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1 KJV)

     This letter is what God has given me to say to you. You need to seek God and ask Him if what I have said is true. My brother in Christ and myself know it is of God. We have prayed about it. I have been alone with God and prayed about it and so has Bruce. If you are not seeking God, hearing God and obeying God every day and all day long then you are not a true follower of Christ. Bruce and myself are here to help you walk with Jesus but it is up to you.


From Christopher Fuller
Christopher Email


That you are totally sold out to Christ, you don’t have any personal rights, you no longer have any right to do anything. You will be a servant. You are in essence signing your own death warrant because Satan will hate you and try to kill you. You are gaining eternal life and citizenship in heaven. You give up your life here on earth to gain life in heaven.


     So, that was the letter that was sent to Ms. Ratcliff.

     At the end of the Ms. Ratcliff letter the scripture Romans 12:1-2 talks about a living sacrifice and this is what it means: A living sacrifice is keeping your body pure and holy for the Holy Spirit to move and operate through. Suffering in pain for Jesus and suffering in obedience to Jesus is giving your body as a living sacrifice. Being totally possessed by the Holy Spirit and giving your body wholly, totally and completely to the Holy Spirit so that Jesus can do His will through you is giving your body as a living sacrifice.

For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. (Romans 8:13 KJV)

     If you live by the flesh you will die but if you live by the Spirit you will live. The Spirit gives life and the wages of sin is death so mortify the deeds of the flesh by walking in the Spirit.

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. (Matthew 16:24-25 KJV)

     It’s all about taking up our cross and following Jesus. Take up your (sacrificing the flesh cross) that Jesus specifically designed for you. If you obey Jesus in all things the cross He designed for you will kill the flesh so that you can be born of His Spirit. It’s all about denying ourselves, our lives, our desires, our passions and everything we want to do. It’s about doing the will of the Father and rejecting what we want.

     Longsuffering and suffering in obedience to the Father brings upon life. Jesus gave His Father in heaven perfect obedience and we have to strive to give Jesus perfect obedience. If you suffer for Him you shall reign with Him. If you deny Him He will deny you.

If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: (2 Timothy 2:12 KJV)

     We as Christians are to take up our cross and follow Jesus. We are to give our bodies as a living sacrifice every single second of every single day until the rapture of the church comes. We battle against the flesh or sin nature in order to do the will of the Father who is in heaven. We are called to reject the flesh, reject the sin nature, fight and battle against the sin nature. We are to deny ourselves and do what the Spirit of God wants. We are to be completely and totally possessed and filled with the Holy Spirit. We are to give our body over to the Holy Spirit so that Jesus can do His will through us. We are to keep a pure holy human body (temple) that comes from perfect obedience. We also need to suffer through whatever Jesus wants us to suffer through so that His Holy Spirit can rule and run our body for the Father’s will.

     In closing, Ms. Ratcliff is trusting in her positive thinking in that her Shriner Freemason father made it into heaven when in fact he went to hell because God told me so. Instead of seeking God and asking God directly where her father went, Ms. Ratcliff positively thinks that her father made it to heaven because he believed in God. Deception is a deadly thing to fall into. You think you’re okay with God until one day you find out you’re Not and you end up in hell. We at "FMH Children’s Club International – A Company Of Prophets" love Ms. Ratcliff enough to tell her the truth. Hopefully Ms. Ratcliff turns everything around and walks in the Spirit so that she can get ready for heaven.


From Christopher Fuller
Christopher Email


That you are totally sold out to Christ, you don’t have any personal rights, you no longer have any right to do anything. You will be a servant. You are in essence signing your own death warrant because Satan will hate you and try to kill you. You are gaining eternal life and citizenship in heaven. You give up your life here on earth to gain life in heaven.


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