FMH Children’s Club International
P.O. Box 640109
El Paso, TX 79904



The following letter-form was brought about as a means of teaching my children the Word of God through the mail. And of course, quite naturally so, that’s the reason I begin these letters with "Dear Children" and end them with "Love Dad". So for the rest of you who participate in these weekly messages, please keep their original intended purpose in mind.



[Return to sermonet Lanna Perry Prostitutes the Holy Spirit!]


Lanna's E-mails (continuation #4)


Sent: Thu, 26 May 2005 11:47:41 +1000 (EST)
Subject: My Sincerest Apologies!

To My wonderful close friends,

My sincerest apologies for my disappearance.

I hit what I have to say has been one of the most intense seasons and journey's of my life, and I am still very much in the middle of it all.

I know I have spoken to you about my friend Hayden, well it got to a point where the Lord showed me that we were basically too emotionally involved. So I had to sit down and cut it all off completely, as far as any idea of a romantic relationship, and back right away from him for a while. I had to let go...I really had to let go....and that really really hurt me, because of the lies that were underlying this situation. I am now placing myself in some very healthy and accountable relationships where I am receiving the support and prayer ministry that I need. Any desires or romantic intentions are being removed from me. This was one of the hardest and biggest lessons of my life that I am still walking through. I have been screaming at God, and crying all the time..."why do i have to have this calling?". I felt I was in a corner. God showing me my call, and saying I could walk away from it, yet it caused me too much pain to walk away and deep down I really did want it...but it all had just become too hard.

This brought intense pain, and more parts of me to the surface that need healing. Lies in my life that need to be broken. Views of God that need to be smashed.

It got so bad, that I've been bed ridden for over a week, unable to eat, work or function at all. Only the past few days through pushing into God have I been given a little more strength.

I battled with God for most of the week. The underlying issue, not being Hayden, but the underlying issue of me wanting to run away from the call that He has given me, because it all seemed too hard, too much sacrifice and I felt so so alone. Always feeling so alone. The situation with Hayden just brought it all to the surface, but even Hayden as one of my close friends, could not understand what I was going through because of him not being saved.

I have now established healthy accountable boundaries with Hayden. I do not see him very much, maybe once a month, and when I do it's with friends. I do talk to him on the phone, and find that a good comfort, as he is a great friend to me.

The Lord had to break me, and I mean really break me.

So that is where I have been and why I haven't been around. I have only sent this email to my close friends, and would appreciate it, if it wasn't passed on.

Your intercession in this time, is more crucial than it has ever been for me.

Thank you for your concern, support and love.


Sent: Fri, 27 May 2005 09:57:00 -0700
Subject: Re: A Time Of Great Trial - word - Lanna Perry!

Warrior Prinhcess;


In Christ,



Sent: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 22:28:11 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Hello Hello! :)


How are you?

Sorry I haven't written for a few days, I've just been really taken back by things, and have been spending more time pressing into God than anything lately, really.

It's been a different time of pressing into God though, a different 'style' I guess. I have been pressing into God more on the go, and more frequently, instead of a huge block of time all at once, I am still going to do the 'block' times, but have been learning to include God more and more in my life, even when say I'm at work, or driving or something, so it's been great.

I keep seeing the word 'shaping' for myself lately. I am really seeing that god is shaping me into who He wants me to be, and showing me, my heart. Showing me what's really in my heart, and that is Him. He has allowed so many circumstances and situations to come my way lately, where i have tripped and fallen, but most of all, I have seen the bottom line in my heart,and that is wanting Him more than anything else. I don't say that in a prideful sense, but in a sense of joy and peace.

I really do want Christ more than anything, and that new found strength is really playing out in a lot of areas in my life, and that truly makes me happy, because that's what I want. There's just a lot of pain involved in it.

God used the situation with Hayden liking me, him not being a christian, to show me exactly what I want in a spouse, exactly what I DO NOT want, and what i WILL NOT settle for. So that's been good. Then God is really showing me that in some areas, (a lot) I have put my view of my dad, onto Him. I couldn't believe it. I thought I hadn't, but I realised I have.

In some areas I saw God as really condemning, and really angry and not tolerant, and that is NOT God, that's MY DAD! Isn't that incredible?

So at the moment, I am just pressing into Jesus in huge ways and breaking down those lies, those judgements and false views of God and just allowing Him to show me more and more of who He really is. It's wonderful, it really is.

There's a lot of pain involved, but it's worth it. I feel like the stronghold that my dad had over my life is about to break, but the way it's going to break is by me realising and allowing myself to feel/mourn the fact that my dad has rejected me my whole life. I've always distanced myself from that pain, and a part of me almost found indentity in striving for his approval. So to now, have to face this rejection, and allow myself to feel it, means this part of me loses identity. Which I see is going to be a HUGELY hard road,'s going to be so worth it, because when this part of me finally breaks, then Jesus can come in and show this part of me who i REALLY am. That little girl who was so broken by the rejection of her father her whole life.

So as you can see, it hasn't been an easy month, but it's been amazing. Truly amazing. I am growing lots in the prophetic, and continually moving forward in that. I am receiving some rejection and attack because of it, but because God is strengthening me, I am able to just 'shrug' it off most of the time and that's a HUGE move forward for me :)

Anyways..I've talked lots and lots....I should go.

Bless Ya lots today....Look forward to your reply,
Love Lanna


Sent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 21:59:51 +1000 (EST)
Subject: I Choose Today!

Hey Everyone,

I pray this message encourages each of you. I am faced with an intense trial, and struggle, but no matter what trial and struggle I face, I will yet make the most of everyday and praise God for every moment He has given me, because He is worthy.

Hope you are so blessed too,


Your friend,


Sent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 09:12:05 -0700
Subject: Re: I Choose Today!

Dear Warrior Princess;

Thank you for the inspiring words and touching pictures. I pray that your struggles are as directed by the Lord as you walk in obedience to His Word by only taking the steps that the Father has intended.

In Christ,



Sent: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 22:39:17 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Hey!!! Where are you? :( :(


Praise the Lord!!!!!

Where are you??? :( :( :( I miss hearing from you!!!!!!

How are you doing? How are you going with God?

I am in a time of intense trial and fire like I've never ever imagined, but coming out with a strength like never before.

I miss you and hope to hear back from you.

Blessings to you today,
Love your friend forever,


Sent: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 23:10:44 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Addicted To The Word :)

Hi Everyone,

Let us all together be addicted to the Word of God :) Let us throw off all else that hinders and be completely addicted to the Word :)

May we all truly know the power of the Sword we hold in our very hands :)

God Bless You ALL abundantly,
Love Your friend,

Kenneth Copeland
June 8 - Addicted to the Word

Dear Carol,

"Ye know the house of Stephanas...and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints." (1 Corinthians 16:15)

I want you to begin to develop an addiction today--an addiction to the Word of God. That may sound odd to you, especially if you don't have much of an interest in the Word right now. But, believe me, it's possible. I've done it myself and I've seen others do it, time and again.

All you have to do is make a decision to give yourself to it. To focus your time and attention on it. The more you give yourself to it, the more your desire for it will grow. Eventually, it will consume your thinking.

Surprised? You shouldn't be. That happens with anything you totally give yourself to. It happens, for example, with people who give themselves to pornography. As they focus their attention on it, the spirit behind it moves in on their consciousness and eventually draws them from mental activity into physical activity. Finally, they come to a place where they can't be satisfied. They can't get enough.

That same principle works on the positive side when you begin to give yourself to God's Word. You can give yourself to it to the point where it totally consumes your mental and physical life. The more of it you get, the more you want. The Spirit behind the Word, the Holy Spirit, will draw you and lead you closer to Jesus than you ever imagined possible.

I've never yet met anybody walking in faith and power who at sometime hadn't developed that kind of addiction by giving themselves totally to the Word for an extended time. I don't mean just a few minutes here and there either. I'm talking about some serious time.

So determine to do that. Determine to become a Word addict. Once you do, you'll never be willing to live without it again.

Scripture Study: Hebrews 4:1-12


Sent: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 10:00:07 -0700
Subject: Re: Hey!!! Where are you? :( :(

Dear Warrior Princess;

I'm still here. I would love to talk with you...but do you really want to hear???

In Christ,



Sent: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 23:29:52 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Hey bruce!

Hey Bruce,

Yes ofcourse I want to hear!

Love Lanna


Sent: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 10:35:50 -0700
Subject: Re: Addicted To The Word :)

Warrior Princess;

OK, so in answer to my question of "I would love to talk with you...but do you really want to hear???" you said "Yes of course I want to hear!"

So now that we have that out of the way I'm going to ask you a question "from the Lord" that will require an answer from you. That's part of the deal.

As it concerns Kenneth Copeland's "Addicted To The Word", and his chosen Scripture of Hebrews 4:1-12, what "Word" is it that Brother Copeland is talking about?

"All you have to do is make a decision to give yourself to it. To focus your time and attention on it. The more you give yourself to it, the more your desire for it will grow. Eventually, it will consume your thinking."

Is Brother Copeland's "Word" the same Word that God's referring to in Hebrews 4:1-12?

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 21:19:10 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Addicted To The Word :)


Hebrews talks all about the place of rest there. I believe the Word that Coppeland is speaking of, is Heb 4:12...

The Word of God!!!!!

But we also need to do what Heb 4:7 talks about...listening to a rhema word :)

Why do you ask?

Love in Jesus,


Sent: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 12:29:13 -0700
Subject: Re: Addicted To The Word :)

Dear Princess Warrior;

Amen Sister: “…Heb 4:7 talks about...listening to a rhema word :)” That’s exactly what Word is being talked about…but it’s not the same word as Brother Copeland is talking about. So please let me explain.

Have you ever heard the terms “name it and claim it” or “blab it and grab it”? Well that’s the word Brother Copeland preaches and teaches. So please let me explain.

In the "40 days of temptation" Jesus was tempted by the Devil to sin against God the Father through the Word of God:

“And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence: For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” (Luke 4:9-12 KJV)

Now the Devil didn’t lie. He quoted the Word of God to Jesus:

“For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.” (Psalms 91:11-12 KJV)

However, the problem with that particular Word of God being used by Jesus (at that particular time and at that particular place) was that the Father didn’t give it to Him to act on (rhema)…but the Devil did! In fact if Jesus would have claimed that particular Word of God as being given to Him from the Father (even though it was given to Him by the Devil), and likewise acted on it, He would have committed a sin. Because you see whenever a Believer picks and chooses the Word of God they want to use in their life instead of letting God give them the Word He wants them to put their faith in, they are committing a sin; Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

So just like Satan, Brother Copeland teaches Believers to pick and choose whatever Scriptures they want to apply to their lives. It is nothing less than witchcraft. I’m attaching a Word document on Brother Copeland that’ll give you a few pointers on what to look for in his ministry. We as prophets are called to expose these “wolves” in the sheep fold who pretend to be sheep!

Please pray about this and give me your Spirit-led feedback.

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 21:15:32 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Addicted To The Word :)

I will have to sit and pray about this, and really seek God.

Thanks Bruce.

Lanna :)


Sent: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:39:27 +1000 (EST)
Subject: God loves Coffee!!! Love Lanna!

Hi Everyone,

This was written by a friend of mine...and it really blessed me today.

Walking through a very very hard time right now, and emotional pain being very was so comforting to read this..knowing that God longs to bless His children...even in those little ways..In a season where that feels the furtherest from my was so good to be reminded of it...and hold onto the truth.

I pray this blesses you as much as it did me.

See....God loves coffee :)

Love Lanna…


Sent: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 21:32:02 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Wow!!!!

Hi Everyone,

I pressed through discouragement and pain today and went to church tonight, and was greatly blessed by the sermon. It was speaking to me exactly where I was at.

I wrote down some notes, and I pray that they will bless you as much as they did me.

Given me a little more strength to walk through this season, I pray it encourages you too.

Lanna :))

* Our purpose in life should be to worship God and enjoy Him forever.

* Worship opens up our heart to receive from God.

* Exodus 7:16 "let my people go, so they may worship me in the desert"

* Cross was also Jesus saying "let my people go, so they may worship me".

* Our worship is God's priority. We are to share His passion for worship, His glory, should be our main goal.

* Does your life lead people to worship God? (fruit in your life)

* Worship is birthed in the desert.

* Idolatry is in abundance. Idolatry is everywhere, because you have all your heart's desire, all you need, and God is just 'part' of that abundance. Guess what is in the desert? Everything else is stripped away, all you have is Jesus. That is when worship is birthed, because God is all you have to hold onto.

* God is always calling us to move forward.

* In the desert He is refinining our character.

* In order to get to the next place God wants you to go, you have to go through the desert.

* There are some things that God can only do in the desert. He needs you to be in a place of barrenness. Refined in the furnace of famine and barrenness. You are not always there because you have sinned. Sin may keep you there, but it's just a season you have to go through.

* In heaven when we are living in the very manifest presence of our King, and there won't be any sadness. So we won't be able to bring Him a broken heart. So think now, when you are here on earth, and you are in a bad place, and lots of tears, all you have is Him. Then you give Him that. You don't have much but you give Him what you have, that moves His heart greatly.

* Job 23:10 - But He knows the way that I take, and when He has tried me, I will come out as gold.

* In the desert you find your power and purpose. All of the great leaders in scripture, had a time in the desert where they worshipped. In order to take hold their destiny and take hold of their call - through desert. Abraham, Moses, David, John the Baptist, Paul.

* When we are in the desert, our purpose gets tested. What we really think we are here for. Wisdom, power and purpose grows in desert.

* God wants to know when everything else is taken from you, what is the thing that you want most? The desert shows things for what it is.

* Before you go in, you're hazy, and think I want to do "this and that" then you come out and you KNOW I am meant to do "this".

* Luke 4:1 - Jesus just been baptised, Holy Spirit ascends on Him, straight after that (awesome encounter with God), Jesus full of the Holy Spirit was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for 40 days.

* We would think miracles or ministry would come straight after that for Jesus, but no, it was the desert for 40 days. At the end of the 40 days, the Bible says "and Jesus returned in the POWER of the Spirit to Galilee".

* Jesus went into desert FULL of the Spirit, but returned in the POWER of the Spirit.

* Only the desert refined His character, and gave Him purpose and power.

* Somtimes God calls us to the desert for a day, for a season and sometimes longer than that.

* If we are serious about moving forward with God, the desert is essential. God is crying out 'let my people go, so they may worship me in the desert' Exodus 7:16

* How do we respond? We are to get desperate. Assuming we don't run back to Egypt, if we choose to sit there, then get desperate. Desperation unlocks in the Spirit, God's power in our lives. God gives us the desires of our hearts. When our prayer is like David's in Psalm 63 "Earnestly I seek you in a dry and dreary place" THAT is when God unlocks His power in GREAT ways.

* Perserverance - need to keep moving forward knowing we want God above all, no matter what. Come out like pure gold.

* Song Of Songs 8:5 - "Who is that coming up from the desert leaning on her Beloved?"

* Our trials, temptations are there to pin us to God, refined as gold, and come out of it leaning on Jesus.

* Will you worship in the desert?


Sent: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 23:30:41 +1000 (EST)
Subject: This Is My Decree!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

In the midst of a trial....this has encouraged me greatly.

I am His soldier....His Warrior...

Each of us are.....let us stand together as HIS army...

I found this online...and stand by it as my decree...

Love in Jesus...

Your friend....
Lanna... :))

I am soldier in the army of God! The Lord Jesus Christ is my Commanding Officer. The Holy Bible is my code of conduct! Faith, prayer and the word are my weapons of warfare!
I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity and tested by fire! I am a volunteer in this army, and I am enlisted for eternity!
I will either retire in this army at the rapture... or die in this army...But I will not get out, sell out, be talked out, or pushed out!!!
I am faithful, reliable, capable, and dependable, If my God need me, I am there! If He needs me in Sunday school, to teach children, work with the youth, help adults or just sit and learn, He can use me, because I am there! I am a Soldier!
I am not a baby! I do not need to be pampered, petted, primed up, pumped up, picked up or pepped up! I am a Soldier!
No one has to call me, remind me, write me, visit me, entice me, or lure me! I am a Soldier! I am not a wimp! I am in place, saluting my King obeying His orders, praising His name and building His kingdom!
No one has to send me flowers, gifts, food, cards, candy, or give me handouts! I do not need to be cuddled, cradled, cared for, or catered to! I am Committed!
I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough to turn me around! I cannot be discouraged enough to turn me aside! I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit! When Jesus called me into this army, i had nothing! If I end up with nothing, I will still come out even! I will win!
My God will supply all my needs! I am more than a conqueror!! I will always triumph!! I can do all things through Christ!!!
Devils cannot defeat me! People cannot disillusion me! Weather cannot weary me! Sickness cannot stop me, Battles cannot beat me! Money cannot buy me! Governments cannot silence me and HELL CANNOT HANDLE ME!
I am a soldier! Even death cannot destroy me! For when my commander calls me from this battlefield, He will promote me to a captain and then bring me back to rule this world with Him!
I am a soldier! in the army, and i'm marching, claiming victory! I will not give up! I will not turn around!
I am a soldier! marching heaven bound! Here I stand!


Sent: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 16:53:58 -0700
Subject: The Vision Of The Five Angels

Warrior Princess;

The Lord instructed me to first of all tell you that "Time is short; we must be about our Father's business."

Secondly, He instructed me to send you what the first angel in Dr. Samuel Doctorian's vision of "The Five Angels" had to say.

In Christ,


"I was here alone in a house on the Isle of Patmos for several weeks to pray and seek the Lord. I found a little chapel - St. Nicolas's Chapel - where no one ever goes. I went there and poured out my heart before God. I found a rock on the side of a hill where I would go to sit and pray - meditation and reading the Bible. I ate very little during those days. Several times I went to the cave of John where he saw the great Revelation.

While meditating for one month in this solitary place, I thought, "I wonder if the Lord will ever send a tenth angel?" I'd seen angels nine times before - in England, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in Amman, Jordan, in Jerusalem, and angel that delivered a woman from being hanged in upper Egypt; I saw the ninth angel in Beirut in the midst of war. The angel physically awakened me at 3:00 in the morning and told me to get out of the country immediately. I am grateful to the Lord until today - I don't know what might have happened to me if the angel had not come. Heaven will tell that one-day. So I wondered whether I would see an angel for the tenth time. There were times when I was praying when I felt such presence I asked, "Lord, I wonder if an angel is coming now? " But it was not so. One night I even dreamt about an angel. He told me to fly in my dream and I did - but that was only a dream. I wanted to see a real angel, as I had seen nine times before.

On June 20 at 3:50am, here in Patmos suddenly my room was full of light, and there are no lights around here. It is a house all by itself at the end of the road near a monastery. Lo and behold, when I was wide-awake - I saw five beautiful angels. I saw their faces -perfect and human-like, but full of light. I saw their eyes, their hair, their hands.

On my right side were two angels, and when I looked to the left I saw three other angels with wings. They had beautiful white robes falling to the floor - something I can't describe with human words. I wondered why five angels had come, but I was trembling and shaking. I wanted to cry, but I could not. Just before I saw these angels in the Spirit. I had seen myself in a great meeting of multitudes, and I was preaching in English. An interpreter was on my left with dark hair and a grey suit, but I can't remember what language he was speaking. I was prophesying this message: "My church, you preach love, you teach love, but you need to practice love - to show love. There is need of unity in my body. There are many divisions among you. My spirit will not move and work where there is no unity. There is carnality in my church; too much uncleanness in my church. I desire and I want a holy people. I died to made you holy." While I was prophesying in the spirit I was trembling. My eyes opened and I was looking at the great multitude. And suddenly, in the midst of the prophecy, these mighty angels appeared. I went back from the pulpit and thought I was going to fall down. I am now wide-awake, but this is all happening in the spirit. Some power helped me not to fall down and I wondered what was happening.

Then suddenly the first angel on my right side said," We are five angels from the five continents. We are here to give you messages from the five continents of the world." The moment I heard that, I also heard the multitude crying out, "Ohhh, Ohhh, Ohhh;" I believe that multitude saw the angels also. Somehow the Lord showed me that in the days to come, in many parts of the world, God is going to reveal Himself through ministering angels. It's going to happen publicly; it's going to happen in churches - thousands of people seeing angels at the same time. They will be ministering to the Body in these last days. Then came this message from the angels:" What you see and hear, tell it to the nations." So it's not something to keep to myself. Whether they accept it or don't accept it, I have to tell it to the nations.


The first angel said:" I have a message for all of Asia." When he said that, in a spilt few seconds, I could see all of China, India, the Asian countries like Vietnam, Laos - I've never been to those countries. I saw the Philippines, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. And then the angel showed me all of Papua New Guinea, Irian Jaya and down to Australia and New Zealand.

"I am the angel of Asia," he said. And in his hand I saw a tremendous trumpet that he is going to blow all over Asia. Whatever the angel said, it's going to happen with the trumpet of the Lord all over Asia. Millions are going to hear the mighty voice of the Lord. Then the angel said, "There shall be disaster, starvation - many will die from hunger. Strong winds will be looked like has never happened before. A great part shall be shaken and destroyed. Earthquakes will take place all over Asia and the sea will cover the earth.

I saw this on June 20. Today is August 16. A few weeks ago I heard the news of villages completely wiped out and washed into the sea in Papua New Guinea. Thousand of lives in great jeopardy. That happened a few weeks ago, and the angel told me it is going to happen all over Asia. "The earth will fall into the sea," I heard the angel say," part of Australia will be shaken. Australia will be divided, and a great part will go under the ocean. "This was frightening - I wondered whether I was hearing right. But the angel said," Millions will die in China and in India. Nation will be against nation, brother against brother. Asians will fight each other. Nuclear weapons shall be used, killing millions." Twice I heard the words, " Catastrophic! Catastrophic!" then the angel said, "Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world."

I was trembling while the angel was speaking. Then he looked at me and smiled and said," There shall be the greatest spiritual awakening - bondage will be broken. Barriers will be removed. And all over Asia - China - India - people will turn to Christ. In Australia there shall be tremendous revival." I heard the angel of Asia say, " It is the last harvest." Then as if the Lord were speaking, he said," I shall prepare My church for the return of Christ." I was happy with such good news after the message of judgment. All the time the five angels were in my room I could feel their presence - it was tremendous.


Sent: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 21:33:18 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Full On Day Bruce!!! Luv Lanna!!!


What a day!!!! My goodness!!!!

I am still battling through the pain of giving up Hayden...but keeping my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus.

I took this day today to spend with the Lord. I knew that there were things that He needed to do, so I dedicated today to Him. It was amazing.

I have recongnised lately that I do indeed have to move forward and move on from my past that has held me back for so long. That the Lord has great things for me ahead and it's time to start walking in that confidence and His power and authority.

Well today, I decided to get down to business with God. I kept having dreams over and over of my heart, and 90% of my heart was surrendered to the Lord, but there was 10% that was still very wounded that "I" was holding onto. So I said to God today, I was going to deal with it.

So today, I spent the day with God. God all of a sudden told me to have a look at a picture of myself when I was 7 years old. So I did. As soon as I saw my picture I started sobbing for no reason at all. All I could feel was all this pain coming out, but I had no idea, where it was coming from, or what was going on.

Then the Lord showed me. It was incredible. He showed me how much I was hurt as a child, and never faced that reality. I never looked at it, always pushed it aside. I then had an incredible picture. It was me as a little 7 year old, and I came out from behind a wall/bush....and the Lord said to me, that this was the part of my heart that I had been holding back from Him.

I came out, and I had cuts and wounds all over me. I looked really awful......disfigured (that's what happens when we hold things back from God). Anyway...I saw this little girl..and she walked over to Jesus...shaking...and she walked up to Him...and hugged Him.

I could see blood out of my wounds just pouring out all over Him, and He was weeping too. All of a sudden, I kept saying to Him "I don't know love than love from men hurting me"...."I am tired of being hurt"...."I just want to be loved for who I am".....

"They all hurt me so much, everything hurts" I just kept saying things like that to Jesus in the vision, while sobbing. I was sobbing uncontrollably in the natural too. Then all of a sudden I saw Jesus weeping and He said "I know sweetie, I know. I never intended it. I will never hurt you like you have been hurt. I love you".

After all of that, I spent the rest of the day just lying in his presence, because I was so tired from all the crying. Then the words "Isaiah 53:5" came into my mind. No idea what it was, so I looked it up:

"But He was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace, He was whipped and we were healed"

Amen...He is bringing a healing into my life!!!!

Then this afternoon, I was still feeling the pain of it all quite intensely, and prayed more into what happened today, and I saw just the grief, and shame, and pain over this part of my heart, it was incredible.

Then the Lord gave me:

"Fear not, you will no longer live in shame. The shame of your youth, and your sorrows will be remembered no more" - Isaiah 54:4

I can still feel the pain inside me, but I am not focusing on that, but focusing on the truths that God has given me. The promises.

Last picture I had was Jesus sitting before me, with a white tissue and he was slowly starting to wipe away all the blood and much off me.

So, my sense is, it was a powerful day!!!!!

I need to just walk this out now....really walk it out....and keep my eyes on Jesus and not the 'pain'..because I am HEALED in Jesus name.

I really do feel, a big step forward was taken today.

I am going to be praying intently for God's joy now!!!! Would you mind praying for it, with me?

Look forward to your reply...

Bless You so much,
Love your friend forever,


Sent: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 12:28:50 -0700
Subject: Re: Full On Day Bruce!!! Luv Lanna!!!

Warrior Pricess;

Your e-mail blessed me Sister! Just be willing to let the Lord do "deep surgery" - and you are!!! Glory to His Name!

I'll be back later with more if the Lord allows.

In Christ,



Sent: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 23:12:42 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Can I Please Ask Your Help On This?


Can I ask you a question.

Can you please tell me, how do you believe Isaiah 27:6 is applicable to us as believers today?

If you were given this verse as a word from the Lord, what would you see the Lord telling you?

Need to do this survey for some research :) So if you could let me know, i'd be so thankful :)



Sent: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 10:36:44 -0700
Subject: Re: Can I Please Ask Your Help On This?

Warrior Princess;

“He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.” (Isaiah 27:6 KJV)

So what does this Scripture mean to me? Well in the Targum (A translation or paraphrase of the sacred Scriptures in the Chaldee language or dialect) the word "fruit" carries the meaning of “children's children”; in the sense that in the latter day, when the church of God is settled and established, grounded in Christ, and in the doctrines of grace, it shall be in very flourishing and fruitful circumstances, abounding in grace and good works with many converts. And as it concerns this “fruit” of God’s people meaning “children”, this is what we are all called to do.

You see Sister Lanna, soon and very soon I will have to publish a very bold sermonet addressing “what thus saith the Lord” concerning this last great battle on earth (the one that we are now a part of) between the seed of Satan and the seed of the Lord Jesus Christ. And it just so happens that this is one of those “revelations from the Lord” that most of the world will not receive…which even includes many so-called Christians. Because it’s through the “fruit” of the sold-out, Blood-bought, Jesus-believing followers of Christ that this battle “is being” and “will be” fought:

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15 KJV)

“He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.” (Matthew 13:37-39 KJV)

You see the “seed of Satan” is being established in the human race in a way that very few are willing to believe. Satan is producing, once again, an un-natural super-natural race through the offspring of mankind:

“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark…” (Matthew 24:37-38 KJV)

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” (Genesis 6:1-8 KJV)

And even though there will not be another flood to annihilate these “evil beings” produced by the “seed of Satan”, God has called His people to produce the warriors that will fight spiritual warfare against them:

And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. (Genesis 9:1 KJV)

In fact to help you relate to what I am trying to say, it was only a few days ago that the Lord instructed me to share your 4/11/05 Word to a Messianic Brother:

Lanna Perry wrote on 11 April 2005 at 23:11:53 +1000 (EST):
I see that the Lord is going to have you speak forth in a different place very soon. I see that the Lord is stirring within you a new move of His Spirit. As you continue to allow Him to stir these things within you, He is going to show you the revelations that you've been crying out for.
I see that you are climbing a tree to see Jesus, like Zaccheus. I see that you are going to great lengths to 'see' Jesus and He is so pleased. I see that He is going to invade a place you've been crying out for Him to invade. A place that you have been seeking Him to move in, He will not only move He will invade, because of your faithfulness to Him, He is going to move on your behalf now.
I also see the impossible is going to become possible in your life. In an area that deep down you've thought you could possibly down, the Lord is going to call to you and you WILL walk on water. You WILL!

And it was a day or so later that I asked him what he thought about that Word…and it was his reply that caught me completely off guard. Because you see what he told me was that part-way through the reading of that Word he “saw” in his mind the “Baby Jesus” drawing (see attachment) that a Sister in the Lord had sent me in March of 2004 when I was living with him. And even though I will not give you all the details at the moment (this is part of the revelation), the Lord showed me that this drawing (the one that he instructed my Sister to send me) had a dual meaning behind it – it was both a picture of Jesus in Heaven and a picture of me on earth:

“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” (Psalms 127:3-5 KJV)

“Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing; To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.” (Psalms 92:13-15 KJV)

So take a look at the “Baby Jesus” drawing and match it up with your Word to me on 4/11/05 and pray about it…asking the Lord for a deeper revelation on Isaiah 27:6.

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 10:41:08 -0700
Subject: Re: Can I Please Ask Your Help On This?

Warrior Princess;

I sent you the wrong picture - here's the right one:


Sent: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 21:23:21 +1000 (EST)
Subject: I Humbly Ask! Love Lanna Perry!

Hi Everyone,

It's Lanna Perry here :)

Firstly I want to thank all of you for your prayers over the past couple of months. I couldn't have moved forward as much as I have without your prayers and your support, it really does mean a lot to me.

I have to say the past 8 weeks has been the most intense this year. The Lord drew the line in the sand in my life, and told me what I needed to surrender and let go of in order to move forward. He showed me what I needed to do in order to move forward. Believe me, it was not easy at all, but it has definately been rewarding. Even through the pain, the Lord blessed me. He is so near to the broken-hearted I know this for sure.

The Lord has done an even deeper healing in me, and is continually doing that deeper healing as the days go on. The Lord is really reaching inside of me and healing places that I never even knew existed. He is such a great God.

As, many of you, I am walking through the fire right now, and discouragement is something that the enemy would love to throw at me, but I refuse to give in. Things indeed look dim and barren around me, for the next 'step' for my life has not yet been revealed to me by Jesus, so I continue to wait on Him.

The Lord is quickly increasing the prophetic in my life and the anointing He has placed over me which I rejoice in. I do rejoice in the calling He has gifted me with no matter how hard it is or has been.

So after all these amazing things the Lord is doing, the enemy has not been happy obviously. He is under my feet, and I continue to trample on his head, and crush him in Jesus name.

The attacks against me have been horrendous. Absolutely horrendous. I do not want to give the enemy any glory, so I will not go into the details of the attacks, but they have been massively out of the ordinary, and constant and intense. Not more intense than the victory I have in Jesus though, amen? It's just easy to get really tired of it. Yet, I continue to press forward and CHOOSE to place my eyes on My Redeemer and Rock - Jesus Christ, for HE ALONE satisfies.

The reason, I am sending this email, is that the Lord continually tells me this is a crucial season in my life (not exactly sure why) and that what is going to happen in this season is crucial for the future and what He has for me. A huge breakthrough is about to come to me, and the Lord needs me to be alert, prepared and on guard. So I am humbly asking for your prayers.

Would you please lift me up to the Lord through this season? That I would continue to rejoice no matter what, and that the Lord would have HIS way, HIS PERFECT will. The healing would continue in deep ways, and that discouragement would not have ANY place in my life.

I live only to serve Jesus, know Him and make Him known. Pain is a part of life, and I see now that beautiful beautiful things come through our sufferings and pain, so I do rejoice in the valley.

Thank you for standing with me, encouraging me and walking alongside me. Your prayers for me and the ministry the Lord is developing through me means more to me than any of you could ever know.

I look forward to hearing back from you,

Love in Jesus
Lanna Perry


Sent: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 14:40:21 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Salvation!


I was just wondering if you could keep my friend Yvette in your prayers. I have been friends with Yvette for about 20 years. I have known her since kindergarten.

Basically her heart is really closed. In all the years she has known me, she does not want to know about God, and the thing that worries me, is that she doesn't look at my life and think "I want that", well she doesn't say it.

Whenever I invite her to church she always says "no" and says that she loves the fact that I don't 'shove' the Gospel down her throat, yet she just doesn't see that it's God that she needs in her life.

I just want her to be saved so much, and it's really discouraging when you can be close friends with someone and she truly doesn't 'see' it in your life.

So would you mind please keeping her in your prayers, that God would invade her life, reveal Himself to her and that her heart would be open. Even if it means bringing someone else into her life, another christian, that's's just hard because she's not responding to my witness :(

Thanks so much!!!!!!

Let us together believe for her salvation!



Sent: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 15:31:53 -0700
Subject: Re: Salvation!

Warrior Princess;

I've prayed about Yvette, and the following tract is what you need to present to her:

In Christ,



Sent: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 21:16:51 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Hiiiiiii!!!!


Ever feel like you move one step forward and then a million bricks get thrown at you cut them off with the sword of the Spirit....and move another step forward.....and more bricks get thrown at you cut those off...and move forward....then more bricks get thrown at you...and it's just this constant cycle? Sheesh!

Today, I was speaking with a mentor of mine, and he is a pastor of a church and has a huge deliverance ministry. I was talking to him a lot about the fact that the prophetic gifting in me is really growing but yet I am still sitting and waiting because I do not feel I have been given any direction from God, as in where to put my feet next.

He said to me that he sees that the Lord is increasing my credibility. He has been reading out the prophetic words God gives me lately to his congregation and they are spot on, and many are going to my website looking for these messages from God's heart. We spoke about how to stay away from pride, and that it is not about credibility, but the fact is, is that the Lord is increasing my credibility and the attacks are now getting more frequent and pretty full on. The Lord is indeed using my website, and I am really pleased with that, I can't say I can 'see' my credibility increasing, but that's okay because I don't need credibility from man.

I honestly feel like just hiding away with God for a few days, but then I want to get out there and minister for Jesus 24/7. Satan wants to tear me down I know that, but he won't succeed for Jesus is holding me tightly and protecting me, but it's getting tiring.

Honestly, I am really bored with my life right now. I really am. I know everyone can say "wait on God, He will send you out when the time is right" and yes that's true...but by golly....days are going by...and I just want to be OUT there prophesying......ministering....I have had all these amazing prophetic words and God speaking all this wonderful stuff to me, but my goodness I'm still chained to the barren place.

I keep receiving all these words for the church (body of Christ) and deliver them, but then that's it...i can't do anymore. I don't have the opportunity to get into churches, and give these messages and pray for people. Everywhere I turn lately, massive attacks and shut doors.

I'm just really restless and bored and yes, frustrated.


WILL continue to CHOOSE to wait on the Lord and He will renew my strength (Isaiah 40:31) but when the attack gets so bad like now, and the barren place seems even more barren than ever before....I get figidy.

*Ugh* Ever feel like that?

I'm tired of this waiting around business...there's work to be done out in the world for Jesus.....and I wanna get out there and do it....I'm sick of pouring coffee's....I want to be out there travelling the world....prophesying, preaching, praying....and it's all started here in my home country....i do it a lot...but it's time for me to go to the next step....I want to move on out....

......I just can't seem to settle in my life at the moment.....

Yet....I surrender my frustrations and desires to God again knowing He will do what is best, even though I'm bored out of my brains....I will trust Him.

Bless Ya,


Sent: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 21:51:44 -0700
Subject: Re: Hiiiiiii!!!!

Warrior Princes;

As it pertains to your e-mail, I've prayed about your "complaint". The question is "Have you completed/accomplished/done everything that the Lord has instructed you to do?"

In Christ,



Sent: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 22:05:34 -0700
Subject: Re: Full On Day Bruce!!! Luv Lanna!!!

Warrior Princess;

The Lord had me to leave out your name and read your e-mail to another lady who was molested at a young age. It was the part about you having to give up Hayden that touched her in a very positive and powerful way. Thanks for sharing your life in order to help others.

In Christ,



Sent: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 17:17:54 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Hiiiiiii!!!!


WOW it touched her? Why did that part about hayden touch her?

Yes I have completed it....except bible college....i guess that's going to take another 6 months or so :(




Sent: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 19:34:43 -0700
Subject: Re: Hiiiiiii!!!!

Warrior Princess;

This e-mail is all about answering you question “Why did that part about hayden touch her?”

So where do I start?

Well the lady’s name is Lenore. She was touched by your story because she was also molested as a young child and, just like you, would find it easy to try and cover over the pain with a “love affair”.

I’ve never met Lenore in person but would guess her age to be mid to late 50’s. I met her husband in Portland, Maine, while on a business trip in 1998. He is a lukewarm “Believer”, and at the time of our initial meeting was having lots of problems in his marriage. Then it was sometime after I lost my job in March of 1999 that we broke off communications. A few months ago the Lord had me to call him, and that’s when I met his wife Lenore. What I discovered was that he had left her for another woman and the divorce was in process. Since that time the Lord is using me to bring them back together. God put them together as man and wife and that’s the way God wants to keep it.

But getting back to your question, the night that I read Lenore your letter she confessed to me that a few days earlier she had run into an old friend…and they had lunch together…and they talked…and they get along well…and he is available for marriage. It felt good for another man to pay her some attention. However, the whole time this was going on she knew that it wasn’t God’s will for her life. God’s going to bring her husband back to her, and even though the circumstances look impossible.

So you see in order to please the Father, Lenore had to turn away from a relationship (just like you) that would have brought her great pleasure.

Now as to the reason for me asking if you have done everything that the Lord has instructed you to do, you will not be prepared for the journey until it’s been made complete.

In Christ,



Sent: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 23:31:17 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Praise Report!!!!

Hi Everyone,

I am sending this to those of you who are my close friends, and have walked with me the past few months through intense trials and temptations, but praise Jesus, I have come out on top :) :) Standing strong in Jesus :)

I wanted to share with you, an amazing praise report. ;)

As you all know, I have continually been pressing into Jesus that the Lord would continue to grow me in the revelation of who I am in Him. ;)

Lately, discouragement has been a huge thing i've been fighting about where i'm going with the call God has given me etc, but the other day the Lord broke through in my life.

Coming from a life (a past) of feeling very ashamed for who I am....and not being good enough....the Lord broke through to me yesterday. I saw myself walk into His presence....sobbing uncontrollably...because I felt such 'shame'...or 'rejection'....and Jesus took my hand....and held it..while i was looking at the floor.

The next thing I know....He placed his hand under my chin....and lifted up my head....and kept my head inline with I could look into His eyes.....and He kept my gaze. Such a look of acceptance and beauty. Such a look of love, that i have never seen. ;)

I just wanted to share that with you's just so amazing. He is the lifter of my head (Psalm 3).

I need more and more and more of this type of revelation and truth into my life, and as I receive this and stand in God's truth....all the lies of my father and the past fall away...and I walk in freedom!!!! ;)

He actually lifted my head....and in that action....

That action......spoke a million things to me!!!!!

Praise Jesus...for He is our one and only God....the only thing that satisfies..

Your friend forever,
Lanna xoxoxoxo ;)


Sent: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 22:55:01 -0700
Subject: Re: Praise Report!!!!

Warrior Princess;

What an awesome testimony...what an awesome experience! Are there even words to describe what you saw in His eyes?

In Christ,



Sent: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 21:09:43 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Praise Report!!!!


Thank you so much for your email. You are such a blessing in my life. You really are! I truly thank God for you, you are such an encouragement and I hope I can be the same to you :)

Your words of encouragement and love spur me on to seek the Lord so much more, and I just want to say a huge thanks for that.

God told me that it's only in HIS presence that I truly see who I am....I thought that was amazing. In His presence, I see who I truly am. Amen...!!! I want to know more and more of who I am in Christ, and be STRONG in that.

I am looking forward to breaking all this masonic stuff over me, because yeah it is huge in Australia...and I just don't want it to have anything to do with me or my life. I am glad that the Lord has showed me all this stuff now, so I can stop the generational stuff right here and now. No other generation after me will have to deal with all this stuff. I did command it to leave ...but it didn't....that's just when God's light broke through...!!!

I really do just long to go deeper. Leave this entire world behind and just move forward in Him. He is all that matters.

I sent a message to my friend Yvette tonight just encouraging her that all peace and happiness comes from Jesus. True peace and happiness. Telling her how much Jesus loves her etc...but she just said 'thanks'....I just pray that, that seed was received.

I am including two words below here, that I was sent in an email today, one from a prophetic list and one from a friend of mine, and it really speaks to where I am at and what has been going on. I pray it will encourage you too.

Bless you SO much!
Love your friend,

June 28, 2005: Do not give credence to your mood swings, for certainly your emotions have no credibility in the reality of spiritual condition. The enemy has come against you to bring discouragement and a general sense of failure, but he has no basis for his accusations whether silent or voiced. Rise up and be strong. The truth of My word is your standard, and that which does not agree is invalid, says the Lord. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."

Word from my friend:

So you are turning 25, I had a sense that the Lord was saying that this will be a Jubilee year for you. Twice 25 is 50 and where you would only expect 25 - there will be 50 - in other words, a doubling of blessings, learning, strength, anointing etc. ... I also felt this was linked to your very natural, God-given desire, for a life mate. 1 becoming 2 - becoming one in Him. However, as you rightly discerned, your part is to surrender the desire to Him for His loving action in this regard.


Sent: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 14:59:05 -0700
Subject: Re: Praise Report!!!! - Amen!!!

Warrior Princess;

It's good to hear of your victories. I can only imagine the battles that you are fighting as the result of your very special gift and calling. Satan has done his best to take you out of the picture - from conception to birth to present - but Praise Be To God that you are determined to live your life for Jesus. Your fighting spirit blesses me!

The Lord has instructed me to send you an article concerning Billy Graham and the Masons. Please seek God's understanding through it.

Concerning the Small Straws from 6/28/05, are you ready to just do whatever it is that the Lord requires of you and your life...regardless of what the "church world" might think? This is where the true "rhema Word" comes into play for Lanna the prophetess. Because you see the Lord is going to give you some very tough assignments. In fact His instructions for your life are going to be "so far out there" that it will be very easy for you to use the Word of God to tell God that you can't do what He is telling you to do. And of course this has everything to do with "your very natural, God-given desire, for a life mate. 1 becoming 2 - becoming one in Him."

Rejoice that God has chosen you for the prophetic, but likewise understand that few people will understand your calling.

In Christ,




Warrior Princess;

Check out the link at the bottom of the page - "FREEMASONS PAY TRIBUTE TO BILLY GRAHAM AS THEIR GREAT FRIEND!" This one in particular is the one that the Father wants you to read.

In Christ,



Sent: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 17:29:19 -0700
Subject: Fw: Larry King Live In Case You Missed It

Warrior Princess;

The Lord wanted me to share this one with you. I'm sure you can identify with Joyce's testimony on her child-hood abuse.

In Christ,



Sent: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 20:40:50 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Praise Report!!!! - Amen!!!

Hey Hey!

How are you?

How is your day? What are you learning in the Word at the moment? :)

I have to say I am at a wonderful place with Jesus, but also a very hard place. It has only been this week, that I have really noticed that 'shift' in me, and it's been incredible, but maybe it could be unhealthy?

Please let me explain.... :))

I have completely laid down the idea of a relationship with a guy in my life, because I want Jesus so much more than a relationship. I have been really pressing into Jesus lately, and I am finding so much more that my heart for Him is just growing in leaps and bounds, it's totally incredible :)

Then the past few days, I've been given 2 words about God bringing a mate to me very soon, and it's all going to happen quite quickly. This was amazing because it confirmed so much in me of what God had already spoken. So I was praising God amazingly...but then the shift came.

The shift being, that I sat on my bed the other day, and I just cried and cried my eyes out. I cried saying to Jesus, that I almost didn't want a relationship with anyone, because I would never want to be devoted to someone else more than Jesus....or share my heart with anyone else BUT Jesus.

It's like..there could possibly be a lie in me, that I don't believe you can serve Jesus completely and amazingly in a relationship, even if your husband is amazing? I guess this is all coming out of my past experiences.

I do believe, that God has called me to be married. I definitely believe that, but you know what? It scares me. It really scares me the idea of someone about to come into my life as a future partner for me.

So I am kind of in a bit of a tail spin. I am excited that God is about to answer my prayers....(I believe before I turn 26 (next year), I will know who it is I am going to marry) and give me a desire of my heart.....but then...I have almost backed away from it completely...because I love Jesus so much....I want my heart to just be completely devoted to Him.

Does this make any sense at all?

It's like sometimes, I don't want to go to sleep, because I feel I will "miss" Jesus while I'm in miss talking to Him etc....but yet this feeling is so much more intense than that.

I am just crazily and totally in love with Jesus, and sharing my heart with another...just seems...I don't know....really hard?

Anyways...that's where I'm at...thank you for being someone I can share my heart with. I can't wait to hear back from you.

Blessings to you always,
Your friend,
Lanna :)
Joshua 1:9


Sent: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 22:30:39 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Lanna Says GoodBye!!!!

Hey Hey!!!!

I just wanted to let you know I'm going to the Hillsong Conference here in Sydney from Monday to Friday of this week, so I won't have email access, so please don't fill up my mailbox too much....*giggles*

There are a few things with Hillsong that I see, that I don't agree with, but the Lord has called me to go, and I have an inkling why. Reinhard Bonke is preaching, and Joyce Meyer, so I know God has some great things He is going to share with me :)

OOoOoOoh I have to tell you, I had the BEST quiet time today. For some reason the Lord kept telling me to read John 12. So I went through it bit by bit and I got SO much out of it. My goodness. I can only chew a little at a time, because it's so meaty!!!! MmmM....MmMm...!!!

John 12:24 is about death to self, and death to self results in Jesus' image being formed in us, and many other lives impacted because they see Jesus in us. Dying to self has a greater purpose than just for us.

John 12:49 - if Jesus spoke only the words and with the authority of His Father, than how much more should we? Amen!

There was so much more, but I won't go on with it hehe.....

Can you tell I'm just crazily in love with Jesus and want more and more? Wooooo!!!!!! MORE LORD \o/

Okay....have a great week.....think of me receiving lots from God at hillsong and just getting more and more onfire for Him.

Love you lots,
In Christ,
Your friend,


Sent: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 21:49:47 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Thank You For Being You! Luv Lanna!

Hey Hey!!!!!

This is just a quick I am sitting here on the Eve of my 25th birthday the Lord gave me a word for my 25th b'day, and as I was reflecting over my 24th year, and the things that it has brought to me, you came to mind.

You came to mind, because you have been one of the greatest blessings in my life. You have brought me such joy and encouragement and continued to stand beside me and just love me, and that means so much.

My 24th year would not have been so bright if you were not in it. I thank God every day for your friendship and for the wonderful wonderful friendship we do have, even though it's online.

I thank God for you, and thank YOU for blessing my life. For being the wonderful friend you have been, and I look forward to our friendship growing in the 25th year of my life now ;)

Blessings to you today my special friend, without YOU my life would NOT be as bright, that's for sure.


Love in Jesus forever and ever,


Sent: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 21:50:54 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Thank You For Being You! Luv Lanna!

Hey Hey!!!!!

This is just a quick I am sitting here on the Eve of my 25th birthday the Lord gave me a word for my 25th b'day, and as I was reflecting over my 24th year, and the things that it has brought to me, you came to mind.

You came to mind, because you have been one of the greatest blessings in my life. You have brought me such joy and encouragement and continued to stand beside me and just love me, and that means so much.

My 24th year would not have been so bright if you were not in it. I thank God every day for your friendship and for the wonderful wonderful friendship we do have.

I thank God for you, and thank YOU for blessing my life. For being the wonderful friend you have been, and I look forward to our friendship growing in the 25th year of my life now ;)

Blessings to you today my special friend, without YOU my life would NOT be as bright, that's for sure.


Love in Jesus forever and ever,


Sent: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 22:58:03 -0700
Subject: Re: Thank You For Being You! Luv Lanna!

Warrior Princess;

You are such a've got so much love inside. I thank God for your 24 years of life and the way in which you are going to be used. I thank God that in spite of Satan's 24 years of attacks you have found true LOVE in Jesus.

Lanna, have a blessed 25th Birthday celebration in Christ.

With the love of the Father,



Sent: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 19:48:25 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Thank You For Being You! Luv Lanna!


How are you?

How was your day?

I am having quite a few interesting experiences with tears over the past few days, today tears welled up inside me again, as I began to prophesy to some people. I was told that what I spoke was accurate and spot on, and that I am seeing with such clarity. I said thank you, and quickly directed those people's attention and focus straight back to God and not on me.

I got really teary after that. The more and more and more I prophesied and the more I saw people so encouraged and blessed, I just got so teary. At first I found myself saying 'i can't believe the Lord is allowing me to see so clearly', and then quickly pulled myself up, by speaking outloud "NO, i speak out in JESUS NAME, that i CAN believe that the Lord has allowed me to see in this way because He is giving me my hearts desires". So that showed me a growth in myself, that I was happy with.

I found myself so teary though, because the Lord is truly giving me what I want. Do you know for about 1 1/2 years straight, i cried out to the Lord over and over to allow me to walk in the office of a prophet.

I don't even know WHY i wanted it. I just wanted it SO bad, and I just cried out to the Lord over and over to please allow me to have that privilege on this earth, and today it hit me again. It's growing, it's here, it's over me.

Then I'd always wonder, wow I begged God fr 1 1/2 years for this calling, but He must have given it to me before the world began?

I want you to correct me if i am wrong, if what i say is out of line, but I really feel it's here. It's like again today I went a little bit deeper into the revelation of this calling upon my life.

It also made me realise though, that there must still be unbelief in me about it, for me to continually sit back and say "wow, i really can see" must mean there is, but I am not going to focus on it, I am going to continue to grow, and focus on Jesus. Not focus on the prophetic, but on Jesus.

I honestly though, I feel so alive when I preach and prophesy. It honestly feels like I am doing what I was created to do. If i don't actively seek for people during the week, and exercise my faith and use the gifting God has given me to bless people, I feel something is missing from my life. Bizarre huh?

So, with my 25th birthday today, the Lord has spoken a wonderful message to me about my 25th year on this earth, and once I type it up tonight, I will share it with you. It will not be shared with many at all, but I will share it with you, as I feel led too :)

How are you? Tell me about your walk with God....what's happening with you and Jesus?

Blessings to you today my dear friend, what a blessing you are to me,

Love Lanna


Sent: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 18:47:39 -0700
Subject: Re: Thank You For Being You! Luv Lanna!

Warrior Princess;

Thanks for taking of your time to write. It is such a blessing for me to see a prophetess making it through the "prophetic struggles" and becoming victorious in Christ. The Lord has put me with many young prophets during these past few years of my walk, and the most disheartening thing about it is the number who either refuse to walk in their calling or back out of it when the going gets rough. I am blessed watching you grow.

So why did the Lord make you go through 1 1/2 years of "pleading" before finally blessing you with the prophetic gifts? I mean after all, "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance." (Romans 11:29 KJV)

You see Lanna, God just wanted you to get "real good and hungry" for what He's planned for your life so that you'll proceed to the end without turning back. You are very special because of your very special calling...because it takes a very special person to do what God has called you to do! Amen!!!

Now as it concerns your "gifts and calling", this is God's design for your spiritual growth. Sanctification is a life-long process that take place as we walk in obedience to God's Will for our lives. Our sin nature (which produces doubt and fear) is killed off as we continue to grow in Christ. The more we become "like Jesus" the less these things will bother us. So the feelings of "unbelief" that you are now having is just that part of you that hasn't been inhabited by Christ (sanctified). It's a process! Just keep your eyes on Jesus and do everything that He's chosen you to do and you'll eventually get rid of those ugly feelings that aren't of God. However, on the flip side of the coin, if you don't complete every task that the Father has set before you, those same ugly things in your soul will overtake you and eventually cause you to crash and burn. (You can read more on this one in our upcoming sermonet "The Shepherd Who Scattered The Sheep!")

So how am I doing? Well the FMHCCI ministry is finally starting to grow; I've been very busy. Thank you Jesus!!! God is honoring me, just as He is you, because of my sincere desire to serve Him and Him only. There are many young prophets that the Lord has had me to meet during my "homeless and imprisoned" journey for Jesus. These are the type of people that God has called to be prophets. We're going to look alot like David and his misfit crew: "David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it, they went down thither to him. And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men." (1 Samuel 22:1-2 KJV)

And now that I've said all that, the Lord wants me to share with you a few details of our upcoming mission. I'll be traveling to Baton Rouge, LA on the 6th of August, and will be there for a week. The main focus of the trip is the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. We are very close to seeing a break-through with the Swaggarts. They have resisted the "prophets" thus far, but on this trip the Lord is sending us to contact Jimmy's cousin, Jerry Lee Lewis. He'll be in the Baton Rouge area and it's our job to make contact with him so that he can make contact with Jimmy so that God's Will can be done at Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. If the Lord gives you anything on this please share it with me.

In closing, it feels so good to be used by God because each time we do His Will we become a little more like Jesus (Christ in us!)!!!

With much love from our Father,



[Go to continuation #5 of Lanna's E-mails]

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